So, first things first, managing the applications on your BlackBerry Smartphone probably isn't the coolest thing you can do with your device. But - like filling out TPS reports or cleaning the cat's litter box - eventually you're going to have to do it. Thankfully, the BlackBerry App World application makes upgrading and even deleting applications an almost entirely automated process.
There are all manner of applications on your BlackBerry. Some are a part of the Operating System (for example, the Clock application). Others might be downloaded or purchased from a site like the CrackBerry App Store. Still others are downloaded or purchased from BlackBerry App World. It's this last set of applications that can managed with the BlackBerry App World app. Applications like Twitter (for BlackBerry), Facebook (for BlackBerry), and BlackBerry Messenger can all be installed, updated, and/or deleted using just that one app.
After starting BlackBerry App World, click or tap the My World icon found at the bottom of the application. Once you've logged in with your BlackBerry ID, you'll see a list of all of the application on your BlackBerry. If you tap or click where it says "Installed" at the top, you'll get a drop-down menu where you can select categories of applications. For example, you could select "Upgrades" from the menu to see all of your applications that have been updated. Speaking of Upgrading.
When new Upgrades are available for application installed on your Smartphone, you'll see the notification in the same area that you see new message icons and the like. Once you've clicked on the My World icon in BlackBerry App World, you'll see the applications that have updates, they have "Upgrade Available" on them in yellow text.
Clicking on one of these applications, you'll see the upgrade screen. Usually, you'll get a brief description of why the app needs to be updated. Tap or click the Upgrade button to start the process. You'll get a warning that the application already exists, click or tap "Yes" to start upgrading the application.
When complete, you may get a message telling you that your BlackBerry must be restarted to finish the upgrade. When you exit the BlackBerry App World application, you'll be prompted to do this. This way, you can upgrade multiple apps and restart your Smartphone once.
Open App World and tap or click the My World icon; this opens your list of all the applications and themes you've downloaded from BlackBerry App World. Tap or click the application's name to see more information about it. You'll see the "Delete" button at the top. Tap/Click the button to start the process.
When complete, you may get a message telling you that your BlackBerry must be restarted to finish the deletion. When you exit the BlackBerry App World application, you'll be prompted to do this. This way, you can delete multiple apps and restart your Smartphone once.
BlackBerry App World does a great job of quickly letting you manage the applications installed on your Smartphone. Whether a theme; an purchased application; or the latest Official BlackBerry application from the folks in Waterloo, BlackBerry App World can help you keep that app up to date (or even delete it if things just didn't work out). It's by no means the only way to manage the apps on your phone, but that, my friends, is another article entirely.
If you've been hit by the BlackBerry World 'No Network Connection' error, here's how to fix it!
It seems as though BlackBerry World started having some issues over the weekend and those still using BlackBerry 10 are currently unable to download apps. We've reached out to BlackBerry to inquire, they noted they're aware of the issue.
With BlackBerry moving to shut down BlackBerry World come December 31st, 2019, the BlackBerry World storefront team has already initiated some moves to make that process easier, but it means changes for developers and users!
It has been a while since BlackBerry World has been updated for BlackBerry 10 but a new update has now been released and is readily available for download.
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